I've been obsessed with "story" lately. I give credit to Donald Miller's "A Million Miles in a Thousand Years" book that I recently read for this obsession. The super short summary of this book is basically "write a better story for your life."
I love this concept because it inspires me to have more "drama" in my life. Also, it helps me to look at "conflict" and "risk" as good things - because they make for a better story. These unsettling moments also provide opportunity for personal growth. Who wants their life story to be a "boring read" for others when you're gone? And more importantly, don't you want to "LIVE" and not be someone that is just taking up space on the earth? I'm ashamed to admit this, but I've realized that I actually spend a lot of time and energy trying to avoid drama and risk and anything that would actually make for a better story.
Just last week I had the opportunity to apply this concept that every event in my life is "story" when I got a notice from the IRS that I made a mistake on my 2011 taxes and I owe $3,000 to the government. Ouch. Normally, I would have been a little stressed about this, but instead I chose to label this as "drama" and realize that this could make things a little, um, interesting? Sure, it sucks, but if I look at events like this as "moments in my story" it's all good because there SHOULD be conflict and drama in my life or else it's just boring and there is no growth opportunity.
I'm embarrassed to admit this, but one critical element that my character is missing in my story is a mission. I'm just kind of wandering along. A common element in the best stories is that the lead character has a mission. I know what kind of person I want to be, but this is not a substitute for a mission.
So I'm working on what I want my mission to be. I don't want it to be vague. I also don't want it to be a goal that will turn into an idol. And I need to make sure that it's not something that defines me regardless of how successful I am. I know that I want it to be something that will have eternal value and bring me closer to God. I want to use my unique gifts so that I can make the best impact I can with my energy.
I look forward to sharing my story with you. I hope you write a good story too, and I hope to have the opportunity to read it.