"The most important scientific discovery of all time - anticipated by Einstein, worked out in Bell's Theorem, and experimentally confirmed by the EPR (Einstein-Podosky-Rosen) experiment - proves that the universe is "non-local."
Described in everyday language, the story is this: Particles have spins. In paired particles, when one particle spins downward the other spins upward. Now, separate the two - distance is irrelevant; it can be an inch or to the edge of the universe - and when one particle goes into a downspin, simultaneously the other spins upward. For prayer, nonlocality suggests that the person praying and the person being prayed for are closer than side by side. Distance doesn't apply - they are in the same spaceless mathematical point. When the pray-er plunges deep down into his praying self, his prayer spins downward, so to speak, and spins its recipient upward. When Jesus prayed all night, and during the day, he was "spun upward" by placing himself in the presence of the Father who so loved the world that he "spun down" - into his Incarnation, Jesus - and transformed him." - Huston Smith, The Soul of Christianity