Tuesday, April 24, 2007

My Record is Broken

Maybe I'm sounding like a broken record -- maybe not -- but my thought on the way to work this morning is: There are so many things about God that are confusing -- so many things that are debated about God not only between Christians and other faiths -- but also within Christianity. I think when you look at the story of Adam & Eve eating from the tree of knowledge of good & evil it makes sense why we have the confusion. It's the first time that they were told that they could be like God -- they could know learn on their own without God's help -- they could be their own God. Since man from the time of Adam has had this obsession with figuring things out on their own -- and when man tries to figure out the infinitely higher and wiser God -- there is going to be a lot of frustration and confusion. My worldview lately has been that of the analogy that we have all been poisoned by sin. We all have this poison inside of us -- Adam and Eve were infected by the poison and they've passed it down from generation to generation all the way to us.

We have these ideas that if we learn enough, if we keep on studying, we'll get it figured out. We will know who God is and how he thinks and how everything works. I'm not turning into a relativist, because I do believe there are some fundamental things about God that are knowable when you look throughout history how God has made Himself known, but I also believe that God doesn't leave some things a mystery for some reason. I believe that some things about God we just can't comprehend with out little human brains.

My theory is that we have so many varied beliefs about God -- different religions -- different sects of Christianity -- because we hold on so tightly to our human understanding and our obsession with study and knowledge and getting it all figured out. We all have pride in what we think we know is the truth. When we rely on our own reasoning to figure out God we can end up with really bad human reasoning and understanding. When we yield to God and plead and beg for him to show himself to us, I think we are at a good place to study and reason to learn more about him. I know that I'm guilty of this -- I love to read, study, contemplate etc. My favorite form of worship is reading and learning about God. I don't spend enough time in prayer and/or asking God to show me truth about him as I study and seek Him.

Please pray for me and for those you love that we can all give our questions, confusions and frustrations to God, and that we ask him to sort them out for us instead of obsessing about doing it ourselves. One promise that I hold on to in the Bible is that if we seek God, we will find him.


  1. thanks for your thoughts.


  2. I debate you on that verse still to this day as I do believe others would too, like even pastors etc...I thought what you wrote was very humble and sweet, but you must understand, like I've mentioned before, there are many people who think they are "seeking" God and they really aren't. God knows their heart though; you have to look at the whole context of that verse. You may as well say that everyone is going to heaven and is saved then, because everyone one is seeking.
    Thank you for your humility.

  3. interesting comment gina. i would love to hear more about how you discern who is "seeking" and who isn't.

  4. Hi Pat! I mean JZ. Gosh, how is Chelsey?
    OK, I am not much of a debater, I focus on living in community with other believers and putting their life first, loving troubled people, looking like Jesus, and telling people about what Christ has done for me. BUT I will TRY to answer. I am not a theologeon by all means! I think what I was trying to talk about was the whole "God shaped hole" thing. I mean, aside from Atheists, (even though I think even they are seeking), everyone is seeking for something. I can relate because before I gave my life over to the Kingdom, I was constantly searching for something. I was doing Zen, Buddha, Astrology, etc...I mean I did end up finding God, the real God. But I think Kevin is over compensating for growing up in an authoritive denomination and household, that he is trying to give people the benefit of the doubt too easily, and I think there is a balance. Those verses to me are about (and I looked them up) being in prayer when you are lost or confused and don't know what to do. That if you seek God in your troubles and daily life, you will find Him. I think Kevin is giving people a ticket to Heaven and that bugs me. No one can do that but God himself! He can only judge too. That is why I shy away from debating, becasue I know nothing compared to God, I can start to assume I know something, but I will never know if I'm 100% right. I want to focus on what I DO know, that He came for me! He took me in even though I was filthy. I am still rotten to this day and He still wants me! That is the one thing I know. That is what I can boast in.
    And what I am saying about seekers is this: most people are seeking. Some are seeking Buddha, some are seeking Muhamad, some are seeking scientists etc... that doesn't mean that if they are seeking those gods, that they will find Jesus. And in the bible it is talking to US, us believers, that if we do ask, seek and knock MT 7:6. I wanted Kevin to double check the verse/s to see who the writer is talking to, and for what reason. I can't stand it when people take verses out of context!!!

    I think many many people are told the good news, or about Jesus, or Christianity, but reject it for whatever reason. But I am sure after that they are still seeking. Kevin was making it sound like "no worries peeps, if you're seeking, you're good to go", and that bothers me not because I am claiming he's wrong, or right. But because no one can make that call but God. Maybe I just didn't understand his blog; I am sure that's what it was:)

  5. I guess to clarify, I'm not saying that just anyone who acknowledges that there is a God is good to go. I believe the Bible when it gives the following verses about those who seek God will find him:

    Deuteronomy 4:29-31
    1 Chronicles 28:9
    Psalms 9:10
    Proverbs 8:17
    Matthew 7:7 (Luke 11:9-10)
    John 6:37
    James 4:8

    Now there is a difference between those who seek God and find Him & follow Him, versus those who seek God and find him and choose to ignore Him and live for themselves, or choose their own definition of God that is more convenient for them -- a God who allows any vice that makes the person temporarily happy.

    I think that we are given a "conscious" that will lead us to God. The voice inside our head that lets us know when we're on the right track or not. I think this is one way that God draws us to him -- and when we cooperate with this voice, it will lead us to the truth.

    God knows our hearts -- when we call out to him in humbleness to reveal himself to us, he will answer. He won't leave us in the dark, or let us go down the wrong religious road if we humble ourselves and plead to follow and please Him.

    This isn't any road leads to heaven, this is: anyone that seeks the one true God will be shown the road to heaven, and it's up to them if they will submit their life to God's will and take that road.

  6. thanks for your thoughts guys. chel is doing well. i'll pass along your love. peace to you both. :)
