"Sin" is a word that some (understandably) reject because they're not Christian. A common definition of sin: when you break God's laws. What if I told you that sin is when you damage a relationship? More akin to a creator simply wanting us to trust our God-given sense of what is right and what is wrong (for own own happiness and preservation). Not a teacher looking for someone breaking rules.
What if guilt and pain - the byproduct of sin - is the searing pain of touching a hot pan? It's a good pain that is a warning sign to keep us from burning our skin off.
Sin hurts because it breaks a trust with God who created us out of love. Viewing sin as the violation of a relationship versus law breaking is important because God simply wants us to trust him - God doesn't want us trying to do a bunch of good works to try and make up for our mistakes. God IS love - and love is about relationship not religiosity.