I recently read an article about Peyton Manning and how faith is an important part of his life. Peyton said that his priorities have always been "Faith, Family, Football." This is the second celebrity that I've heard in the last month that has a "Faith, Family, ______" thing going on (Phil Robertson has "Faith, Family, Ducks") so it caused me to pause and wonder if I should maybe have a "Faith, Family, _______" deal and what the third one should be.
My first thought is that just like anything that tries to put structure to faith, this could be a cute little saying that could quickly become an empty religious ritual consisting of more "structure" than spirit. Like writing new years resolutions - easily a meaningless exercise.
My second thought, is that if I was to have a "Faith, Family, _______" it would be "Faith, Family, Others" because I believe the core message of Jesus is about sacrificing for others.
My third thought is - hold up a minute - shouldn't faith permeate every area of our life and not be a category?
After thinking about it some more, I realized that having a "Faith, Family..." deal, if taken seriously, is a good thing because it forces you to think about getting off of the throne. We all tend to think of ourselves first, and anything that helps us to be mindful to put others first is a good thing. Is it kind of religious-y and ritualistic-ish? Yes - but so is making a habit to pray and read your Bible - both good things. In this rat-race society that's full of illusions of happiness we have to sometimes add structure to our lives to ground ourselves and make sure we do what we already want to do.
What would be your "Faith, Family, __________"?
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