Sunday, July 21, 2013

Love is God

Agnostic, athiest, cynic and skeptics. Everyone. I’d like to share a thought with you. I’ve been thinking a lot about love today.  Especially the notion that God is love.  

If you don’t buy into a belief in God, I’d like to suggest that you probably do, and don’t know it.  If you believe in love, then you believe in God.  And if you believe in relationships, then you believe in love.  Love is the free choice of entering into a relationship with someone where you relate to them as valuable.  If you choose to have a relationship with someone, you are expressing love to them.  When love is present, God is there.  Love is the glue to society and the glue to life.  Without love, there is no hope. Without hope, people don’t want to live.  

God created our universe for a relationship.  I have a hard time understanding that God is a relationship, but at the same time this is how the universe makes sense to me because it seems to me that the core of life is relationships. If God is a relationship, it only makes sense that his creations will be an expression of who he is.  Life makes sense to me in light of this.  When my life centers around relationships, my life has more meaning and direction. When my life centers around myself, life gets dry and lifeless.  

This is why I believe in relationships. This is why I believe in love. 

This is why I believe in God.  Do you?