Friday, January 24, 2014


"Sin" is a word that some (understandably) reject because they're not Christian. A common definition of sin: when you break God's laws. What if I told you that sin is when you damage a relationship? More akin to a creator simply wanting us to trust our God-given sense of what is right and what is wrong (for own own happiness and preservation). Not a teacher looking for someone breaking rules.  

What if guilt and pain - the byproduct of sin - is the searing pain of touching a hot pan?  It's a good pain that is a warning sign to keep us from burning our skin off. 

Sin hurts because it breaks a trust with God who created us out of love.  Viewing sin as the violation of a relationship versus law breaking is important because God simply wants us to trust him - God doesn't want us trying to do a bunch of good works to try and make up for our mistakes.  God IS love - and love is about relationship not religiosity

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Faith, Family...

I recently read an article about Peyton Manning and how faith is an important part of his life. Peyton said that his priorities have always been "Faith, Family, Football." This is the second celebrity that I've heard in the last month that has a "Faith, Family, ______" thing going on (Phil Robertson has "Faith, Family, Ducks") so it caused me to pause and wonder if I should maybe have a "Faith, Family, _______" deal and what the third one should be.  

My first thought is that just like anything that tries to put structure to faith, this could be a cute little saying that could quickly become an empty religious ritual consisting of more "structure" than spirit. Like writing new years resolutions - easily a meaningless exercise.

My second thought, is that if I was to have a "Faith, Family, _______" it would be "Faith, Family, Others" because I believe the core message of Jesus is about sacrificing for others.

My third thought is - hold up a minute - shouldn't faith permeate every area of our life and not be a category?

After thinking about it some more, I realized that having a "Faith, Family..." deal, if taken seriously, is a good thing because it forces you to think about getting off of the throne.  We all tend to think of ourselves first, and anything that helps us to be mindful to put others first is a good thing.  Is it kind of religious-y and ritualistic-ish? Yes - but so is making a habit to pray and read your Bible - both good things.  In this rat-race society that's full of illusions of happiness we have to sometimes add structure to our lives to ground ourselves and make sure we do what we already want to do.  

What would be your "Faith, Family, __________"?

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

I love Miley Cyrus

 I love Miley Cyrus.  I know, I'm not exactly the stereotype of someone who loves Destiny Hope Cyrus - (especially since I'm old enough to have someone the age of Miley).  So why do I love Miley?  Because she's like me.  She's goofy.  Like me. She embraces creativity.  Like me.  And... she makes mistakes.  Like me.  She's immature.  Like me.  She's ignorant.  Like me.  She gets lost in this crazy world.  Like me.  She falls short of being a perfect human being.  Like me.  She hurts herself and others.  Like me.  Keeping it real -- do I listen to her music -- well let's just say I don't turn it off. Heh.

I came across a post on The Christian Post in my FB feed today that almost made my head explode. Honestly I don't know why I even follow The Christian Post because a lot of the things they post threaten to ruin my day just like this specific post. Let me explain. The article was reporting Miley Cyrus posted a photo photo in her instagram feed that stated that Jesus 'Was Never Anti-Gay, Never Mentioned Abortion or Birth Control' -- and all Hell broke loose in the comments of this article with people - most of them from Christians I assume - completely ripping Miley to shreds.  

Comments such as "Can this girl get any more stupid than she already is? Jesus didn't mention Big Macs but gluttony is still a sin. Good Lord I wish she would just go away." (which had 62 "likes" last I looked).  

This isn't the post that even bothered me so much. It's the ones that say that we should pray for Miley.  

Before I explain why, I must say that I assume that these folks are sincere.  And I also will assume that these people recognize that they need prayers just as much as Miley.

Why this bothers me, is because this places the person saying "we should pray for her" on a pedestal, looking down at someone who perhaps more exposed sins in their life.  It's kind of like a Christian back-handed blessing.

"We should pray for her" can be a way to group people into "those we should pray for" and "those who are OK."  

You might be thinking "Well she doesn't know God so she DOES need more prayers - she ISN'T in the same group as us - she's obviously not a Christian."

If this is what you're thinking -- then how do you know she doesn't have a relationship with God?  Because of what you've seen on TV?  Because of how she dresses?  Because of how she sticks out her tongue?  

Before you group her as someone who isn't saved -- ask yourself if you've ever willingly done something you know isn't right.  Ask yourself if you've ever struggled ongoing with something you know isn't right.  Ask yourself if you've ever done things in your life that were broadcast on TV, if people would question whether you follow Jesus.  As you size yourself up as a "good person" or what you think a "saved person" looks like as we're talking about Miley, ask yourself if you're counting the public displays of "Christian behavior" and "public declarations of faith in God" and if you're mostly counting the good things vs. the bad things you do -- but not about the millions of good things that you have not done -- and have as a result done bad by inaction.

Is she still in your "unsaved group?"

OK. Now ask yourself -- can you read Miley's mind? Do you know if she prays at night?  Do you know if she wonders who God is, but can't feel God now and is struggling with doubt?  Do you know everything about Miley's journey?  Do you know that God has turned his back on the girl that used to openly confess her faith? Are you positive that if at this moment, Miley got hit by a bus, that her spirit would never be with God?

I don't know if Miley is currently choosing to let Jesus save her, but I can say with 100% confidence that I can't answer any of the questions above.  And I can say with 100% confidence that I need prayers just as much as Miley Cyrus.  I can say with 100% confidence that I am on a journey, like Miley is on a journey, and there have been times in my life that I've lived like a dirtbag, and I've struggled with doubt, but I've always had a faith that has saved me.  My proposal is that we give others like Miley Cyrus a break and be careful when we publicly highlight those we should pray for.