Thursday, June 07, 2007

God is Pro-Choice

What if you had a child that was the perfect student, the perfect citizen, the perfect brother, nephew and so on and so on -- yet, he rejected you as a parent? He did everything to please everyone in his life, except honor you?

Silly example, but if your pet dog is nice to all of the neighborhood dogs, and can do all the tricks in the world, but still bites you everytime he's around you, you have no choice but to part ways no matter how much you love him. Same with God, if you reject him at every turn in your life, He will eventually give you what you want -- eternity without Him -- even though that's the last thing he wants. God will make every attempt to reach you (by your conscience, people in your life, etc.), but he will always give you your choice -- your free will -- to choose or accept him.

The laws that God gave to Moses (the big 10) instruct us to treat our fellow humans well (the last 6 of the 10) BUT also to honor God (the first 4). If we are only doing good to our fellow humans, that is great, but we are still ignoring our creator/master/savior.

Jesus said: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind." This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments."

Fortunately, God does want to be with us for eternity! All we have to do is have a relationship with him and trust Him that he is God, and he knows what's best for us. God is pro-Choice!

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