Friday, April 25, 2014

Reality For Kids

Truth is, kids deal with a lot of shit these days. A lot. My heart is heavy today with this reality. Being a volunteer leader at Young Life over the last 5 years I've seen and heard of a lot of sad, heartbreaking, and sick things that kids deal with. The reality of "absent" parents is a reality that everyone has heard of, but when you become friends with kids that actually deal with this reality, it breaks your heart. I know kids that pretty much live on their own and raise their younger siblings because they live with one parent that always works. Then you hear about problems like sexting which sadly is very common - boys pressuring girls to text naked pictures of themselves - and if girls don't do it they're shamed or teased. When you're dealt a lot of shit in life, there are countless dark "worlds" to escape to these days to try and find some worth.

I've met several young friends in Young Life over the years that have come and gone, or just gone, but I still think about them often. I hope they're doing OK. I know the world can chew you up and spit you out if you aren't holding on to the truth that's found in Jesus, so I hope and pray that they're in an OK place.

My heart is heavy, but I'm hopeful because once kids get to know the truth about themselves that is found in Jesus, they can deal with a LOT of shit, in a healthy way. I see it happen. It's awesome.
There is a huge need for people to introduce the younger generation to Jesus. If you have a heart for this, get involved and you'll change lives.

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