Tuesday, October 17, 2006

think small

I have many stereotypes of people groups in my mind -- conservatives, liberals, arabs, african americans, hispanics, Christians, non-Christians -- the list goes on and on. If you are a living, breathing human, you do too. Some are good stereotypes, some are bad stereotypes.

Have you ever judged someone based on a group they belong to and end up completely "surprised" that they weren't the type of person you thought they were? I know I have. When that happens it may be God reminding you that you're not an all-knowing God, and it's good to get to know someone before you draw assumptions about them.

The thought I had on the way to work today was -- "think small." Always look at people as individuals and don't judge them on a group they belong too - regardless if you've had a negative experience with someone from a particular group. I know I would'nt like someone sterotyping me with a negative stereotype they have of Christians, salesmen, or of middle-class-white-guys. I guess this is long way of saying what Jesus said summed up perfectly: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."


  1. Anonymous5:05 PM

    Wonderful, beautifully said! What inspired that piece?

  2. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Hi Kevin
    I haven't seen or read all on your blog...but I think it is ver neat. Let me know if you get many hits.

    Your used to be favorite Uncle. :-)
